1. "Going back to AA"
2. How cool an idea for a blog is that? Significant Objects assigns an author to an object to write about, then sells the object on ebay and pays the author with the proceeds. For example, check out J. Robert Lennon's rather good one-sentence story about a choirboy figurine.
3. "Random Thoughts" (pointer)
4. On the occasion of the UK release of a CD box containing all The Beatles' songs mono mixes, Andrew Hickey writes more insightfully about the band's albums than I ever could. So far: Mono Masters, Please Please Me. Would have preferred to link to a tag, but there is none that works. Wordpress bug? Never mind. Added: This link works.
5. Crazy Japanese man
The American Left's Authoritarian Turn
6 years ago
Thanks - nice of you to say. And for tags, either http://en.wordpress.com/tag/the-beatles-mono-box/ or http://andrewhickey.info/tag/the-beatles-mono-box/ will work. (The former takes you to all wordpress posts with that tag, but so far I'm the only one to have done that).
In general, if you click on a tag in a wordpress.com blog, it'll take you to all wordpress blogs with that tag. But if you change the link to [domainname]/tag/[tagname] it'll work...
Wow, that's a really convenient feature of Wordpress, isn't it? Anyway, added, thank you!
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