
Porn & Booze: Two Counterarguments

I An Argument for Female Adolescents' Access to Porn
Here's an answer to the question "What in life did it take you a surprisingly long time to realize you've been doing wrong all along?":
I didn't realize until my early twenties that if a man would have sex with me, all it meant was that he wanted to have sex with me, not that he liked me as a person or found me attractive. This is the one thing that was left out of the sex talk that my mom had with me that really would have been helpful to include.
This predicament, presumably not uncommon, could have been avoided if the answerer's views about the strength of the male feelings-lust link had been informed by access to porn. While I think that porn exaggerates the primitivity of male sexuality, it makes for a nice counterweight to the bullshit about really caring about her soul and stuff that males give females when all they want is get into the womens' knickers.

II An Argument for Reducing Barriers to Alcohol Consumption
Low birth rates are considered a problem in many affluent countries, and perhaps Germany especially. This is an argument for making people drink more (e.g., by reducing taxes). I am not referring to cases in which people spontaneously have sex they otherwise wouldn't and, on top of that, forget all about contraception - although such cases surely exist. Rather, I am thinking of alcohol's extraordinary ability to turn even your average German into an audacious extrovert, which enables people to get to know each other sufficiently well to later get married & have children. If it weren't for the booze, Lord knows what this country's birth and marriage rates would be.

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