Because I've been collecting for so long, it's so many links. Because it's so many links, I'm posting it early.
1. If the effect in question was found in a particularly small sample, should that strengthen or weaken your belief in the effect? (Eric Falkenstein) From the same author: A critique of Stevenson and Wolfers' happiness research.
2. Thoughtful, personal essay by Eric S. Raymond about the emotion and cognition of racism.
3. A body-mind theory of lefties and righties (Agnostic)
4. "Annals of Self-Refuting Tweets" (Jeremy Freese presents the American Sociological Association make an ass of itself)
5. Wie intensiv werden die Deutschen eigentlich von der eigenen Regierung ausgespäht? Man weiß es nicht. (Niko Härting) (via)
6. "A conservative estimate is that we’re spending a million dollars per year per terrorist, maybe more – that’s not even counting Iraq and Afghanistan." (Gregory Cochran)
7. The case against (eating lunch) outside (Matthew Yglesias) (via)
8. Matthew Desseem reviews Rififi.
9. Person fixed effects and psychological testing.
10. The theory that Marcia Lucas contributed more to Star Wars' quality than is usually acknowledged. (Fabio Rojas)
11. A discussion of reviewing and reviewers (with a focus on sociology) (olderwoman and commenters)
12. Is US violent crime actually down? Looking at non-police data. (Steve Sailer)
13. "William Boyd’s Taxonomy of the Short Story" (Will Wilkinson)
14. How not to get published. (Andrew Gelman/Brian Nosek, Jeffrey Spies, and Matt Motyl)
15. Getting the priorities straight (Foseti) (on this blog)
16. Male feminists: Demand and supply. (Nick Borman)
17. Real life cases of amnesia that are stranger than fiction. (Christian Jarrett)
18. Season of birth is endogenous (Eric Crampton/Kasey S. Buckles and Daniel M. Hungerman)
19. A model of how the internet works (Marco Arment) (via)
The American Left's Authoritarian Turn
6 years ago
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